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Paralympian Nicky Nieves Says Society Has The Wrong Idea About Sitting Volleyball

Paralympian Nicky Nieves Says Society Has The Wrong Idea About Sitting Volleyball

Millions watch volleyball every year and many have never heard of sitting volleyball. The sport has been around for decades, and has been growing inpopularity.

Nicky Nieves is a Paralympian who has played sitting volleyball for over a decade. He is a member of the US national team and has competed in the Paralympic Games. He is also a coach and advocate for the sport.

Nicky Nieves is on a mission to change the way people think about sitting volleyball. "It's not just a sport for people with disabilities," he says. "It's a competitive and exciting sport that can be enjoyed by anyone."

Sitting volleyball was created in the 1950s as a way for people with disabilities to participate in a team sport. The game is played on a volleyball court, but the players sit on the floor. The rules are similar to regular volleyball, but there are some modifications to make the game more accessible for people with disabilities.

Sitting volleyball is a fast-paced and exciting sport. The players use their hands and arms to pass, set, and spike the ball. The game is played with a lighter ball than regular volleyball, and the net is lower. This makes it easier for people with disabilities to play the game.

Benefits of Playing Sitting Volleyball

There are many benefits to playing sitting volleyball. The sport is a great way to improve your physical fitness. It also helps to develop your teamwork and communication skills. Sitting volleyball can also be a great way to meet new people and make friends.

"Sitting volleyball has changed my life," says Nieves. "It's given me a sense of purpose and belonging. I've met some of my best friends through the sport."

Nieves is hoping to inspire more people to try sitting volleyball. "I want people to know that it's a great sport for everyone," he says. "It's not just for people with disabilities."

How to Get Involved in Sitting Volleyball

If you're interested in trying sitting volleyball, there are a few ways to get involved. You can join a local sitting volleyball club or league. You can also contact your local Paralympic organization or adaptive sports program.

There are also a number of online resources that can help you learn more about sitting volleyball. The International Paralympic Committee website has a section on sitting volleyball that includes information on rules, regulations, and competitions. The United States Volleyball Association also has a website with information on sitting volleyball.

So if you're looking for a new sport to try, sitting volleyball is a great option. It's a fun, competitive, and inclusive sport that can be enjoyed by people of all abilities.
